Cash Back Credit Cards

The past years cash back credit cards have become very popular for the consumer. There is nothing like earning a little something for the credit that you are receiving. It is no secret that we all pay for the credit we use and it is tiring the different charges that are placed on our account. When a credit card lender offers to give us a reward in the form of cash or points it makes the average consumer feel better about using the card. Over the years it has not been uncommon for a cardholder to receive hundreds of dollars in cash during the year. This type of insensitive quickly spreads causing others to want the same credit card.

The first company that made the cash back opportunity was the Discover® card. Since the credit card company found such success in getting new customers by using this method other companies soon followed suit. Even though Discover® led the way in cash back credit cards other companies such as MasterCard, Visa and American Express soon took a lion share of the customers. Many of the credit card companies pay 5% in popular categories like travel, home improvement stores, department stores, gas, restaurants and many more places that consumers will shop on a constant basis.

Online shopping sites where popular retailers offer great bargains the credit card company's offer from 5% to 20% cash back rewards. One of the main things the consumer needs to make sure is that there is no cap on their cash rewards and that they never expire.


Secured Cash Back Credit Cards

Secured credit cards are now offering cash back rewards to their users. The users are getting a loan just like those who have the unsecured credit card. The interest rates are charged and there is a sign up fee even though there is no annual fee or service charge the customer is still charged interest for the use of the card. Many credit card companies are offering special cash back rewards as an incentive for the user to get more customers.

The secured cards are becoming popular in today's market place with all the advantages the user has and the ability to earn rewards. The credit card companies are now offering the user a chance to earn extra money by getting new customers for them. The residuals can be a onetime offer or in some cases they are giving the customer ongoing commissions for the new customers that they bring in as a secured credit card user.

The secured card user is less of a risk because they need to deposit the amount of money that they are borrowing into a savings account which guarantee's them the money. Since the money is already in the savings account making the loan secure then the credit card companies are assured that they will be paid. The customer needs to be careful that the amount of interest and other fees does not take most of their deposit. Earning cash back rewards and or getting commission for referrals is a good incentive to get a secured cash back card.

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